Hello, This is just a little thingy to let people know what we're doing rather than sending out long and dull and tedious group emails which no-one reads anyway! Enjoy!!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Les adventures en Grenoble et le telepherique!

Back again, its been a busy couple of weeks since the last post- and a few bits and pieces have happened since!
Spent the weekend before last in Grenoble, French Alps, believe it or not for the weekend (shock horror!) not just one day. Its a neat little student city nestled in between a stack of ginormous mountains not too far away from Lyons in the mid-East of France. Well known for its fort, Le Bastille (see pics), complete with masses of (manmade) underground caves/tunnels, le telepherique (a gondola), walnuts, Chartreuse and music. Of the above we were fortunate enough to get up to the fort, in the strange egg-shaped gondola capsules and spent a good chunk of the day checking out the scene. Very commanding view of the neighbouring countryside, with cannons it must have been almost un-takeable! Sturdy walking/climbing shoes highly recommended...
Back in the town we looked around the multitude of stores, used our limited command of French to purchase things like une baguette, une tartine noix (walnut tart), deux cafes (coffees), une echarpe (scarf), tried Chartreuse (free! although this potent drink did pack a punch, and the lady serving was VERY generous with her 'test' samples!) and got a lovely little room in the middle of town (care of lastminute.com:) with no headaches at all!
Very friendly people there, although brushing up on French beforehand is HIGHLY recommended as they will go the extra mile!

Brief on other other things.
Checked out London, again and was pleased to 'discover' a Van Gogh exhibit with The Sunflowers! and a stack of other great artists, Renoir, Monet etc and some of their better works at the National Gallery in London!
Spend last weekend in Birmingham over eye-patch day, the anniversary of Trafalgar- very modern, would be great for shopping esp the bullring.
Still into crayfishing (which has potential to become a commercial venture- watch this space...)
We're moving (work reasons), we'll send new address/phone when its all locked in.
Its beginning to get cold and miserable (read: fog and rain), although I am assured by everyone here that it gets much much worse.

Hope everyone is well, keep an eye out in the near future for more posts!


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