Hello, This is just a little thingy to let people know what we're doing rather than sending out long and dull and tedious group emails which no-one reads anyway! Enjoy!!

Thursday, July 13, 2006


I know I/we have been very slack in keeping this up to date, but I will give you a brief run down on what has been happening in our world in the last few weeks (has it really been that long?).
Jono (MWJ's cuzzy bro) stayed with us for 2 weeks and left on monday (10.07.06). Was nice to have him to stay, even if he was squashed into a tiny corner and had very little room to move! While he was here we went to Bath, which was awesome. The roman baths were cool, not sure I would want to swim in it but, very cool just the same. We also ended up in this very cool childrens playground, Michael and Jono jumped onto this merry go round thing for a photo, to which, some mother came over and I think she was a little concerned that our intentions were not honorable...don't get me started on that. Stupid woman!!
We also went to the Charlbury Beer Festival, which was soooooooooooooo good. There were 36 different beers to try (I got through 10!) all from boutique brewers around the place. It was nice weather, nice atmosphere, nice company and an all around awesome day. I will definately be back next year!!
Anyway, Laura (TJC's Sister) is staying with us at the moment and we have been tourists again around Oxford and we are going to Salisbury, Stonehenge and Avebury on saturday. Should be fun!!
PS. Feel free to leave comments...Nice ones preferably!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tara
Great to hear that as soon as you relocate to overseas everyone you know decides its time for a visit. How long do you plan on staying? I'll be over in three years time, can I crash at your house?

6:04 AM


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