Hello, This is just a little thingy to let people know what we're doing rather than sending out long and dull and tedious group emails which no-one reads anyway! Enjoy!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Hi, I can't be bothered doing a long boring work of art today so I am going to dot point! It's too hot to do anything else!
Saturday 15/07/06
  • Hired a car and drove to Stonehenge from Oxford. I don't think the roads could get any narrower! Took ages, about 2hours to go less than 100km. For an "advanced race" the English suck at common sense things such as building roads that can fit 2 cars on it! Plus on the main road there was a huge bottleneck..worse than getting onto South Dowling in Sydney nr Ikea!
  • Stonehenge was cool. We refused to pay and took photos through the fence. Hard to explain, worth visiting!

Obviously this image is stonehenge! Still VERY impressive!
  • Next was the salisbury cathedral. (NB. The street maps in the back of road atlases SUCK!) Amazing, I can't get over the sheer size of it!
This was taken from the cloisters in the cathedral. Apparantely according to the gospel according to Laura, when renovation work is complete then the cathedral reverts ownership to the catholic church! This picture really does no justice to it!
  • Next stop was silbury hill and the long barrow. Long Barrow is a very old druid tomb and was amazing from a construction point of view as all the stones were placed on top of each other in such a way that it looked very modern! Silbury hill is a prehistoric man made hill. "what did you do today?" "I made a hill!"
This is the inside of the Long Barrow
Silbury Hill
  • Next was the Avebury Stone Circle, which was AMAZING! I have to say it is very british as in the middle of this world heritage listed area there were all these sheep running around munching on the grass. As well as that, people were sun bathing on them!
Avebury and sheep!
  • Final stop was the Uffington White Horse. I didn't get any photos of the whole horse but this one I found on the net

Anyway, was a very successful touring weekend!

I almost forgot Michael's toad. He saw it at uffington, It is really cool, I can't believe it stayed still long enough to take a photo of!
Anyway, Michael will update again soon enough and tell everyone what's been happening!
PS. Hopefully will have exceptional news soon re: Jobs!!


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