Hello, This is just a little thingy to let people know what we're doing rather than sending out long and dull and tedious group emails which no-one reads anyway! Enjoy!!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Photo of Worlds Largest Bread!!

I forgot to put it in!! Oops!!

The worlds largest bread!!

Hola people! Jono is here at the moment and we spent wednesday being tourists!! Very fun (see Lonely planets guide to experimental travel; tourist in your own town!)We wandered around for ages and I took about a million photos of the gargoyles. Am a huge fan of the gargoyles!(see: http://northstargallery.com/gargoyles/aboutgargoyles.htm just in case anyone cares about what they are and what they do!!) We went to the Oxford Uni Museum of Natural History, well worth a visit, they have these fake footprint things out the front (which I naturally took a photo of, you can't really tell though!!) They have the real story of alice in wonderland, as well as a stuffed dodo, and a whole heap of other very cool stuffed animals, such as a Pete (aka a Badger!!) and an otter and a fox....you get the idea! We mainly just walked around and looked at the outside of all the very cool old buildings. (please see attached photos!!)
On to a totally different tack now...Every wednesday they have some markets at Gloucester Green (pronounced GLOSS-TER not Gl-oww-chester!!:)) where I have been getting our fruits and vegies etc. Yesterday Michael met me for lunch and we bought what can only be described as the worlds largest bread!! I will say nothing except, you have to see it to believe it!!Ps. Only £3.50 Bargain (For the size!!)

Monday, June 26, 2006

Just for Jason (and Mum and Laura)

Here is Barry Adger in the car!! Photos gone a little icki though!!

Smarty pants

This is for all you smart arses who made comments about my cleanliness!! I am attaching a few more photos, plus some of the front of the house!! please also note the size of the tomato plant!! It just goes to show I can keep things alive when people (PETE) aren't putting shit in them such as beer!!
Weekend was good we had a free weekend (starting very well with a meal at a friends place Ha ha...sorry michael I had to say it, it was funny at the time!!) We went to museums and had a massive wander and came across this HUGE 100acre paddock which is a public throughfare with hundreds of horses and cows etc. I'll take the camera for a walk soon.
Jono is coming to stay this week (and next) so will post some cheesy tourist shots when I get some.
OOh, I got attacked by a huge Drake today, evil creature, would be good in my stomach with chinese pancake and hoi sin sauce...mmm

Friday, June 23, 2006


so, I know that they aren't the greatest photos, so I'll take some better ones soon...once I have done my housewivey duties and cleaned up!! As you can tell from the photos, I haven't done a good job so far! :)


Hurrah! So we made it here to sunny and hot(?) Oxford with very few major problems. (see attached photo of the car!) Anyway, we're here and M has started work at the nicest place ever, and I am still joining the ranks of the unemployed...Maccas is looking very good at the moment. What on earth do housewives do all day? Good grief I am going mental after 2 weeks of living in blissful cohabitating harmony! Anyway....back to the point, Oxford is gorgeous and it is really nice to live in a town where there is more history than your entire country!! We haven't done a hell of a lot yet, we did go and see my aunt and uncle in Derby (total opposite of Oxford, think of comparing Kalgoorlie to Sydney!)and poor M got the worst ever introduction to british rail! It started by the train tickets NOT arriving until the monday after we travelled, so he had to fork out £31 just to be allowed to travel. Once on the train it was fine, no delays (WHAT!!) and then he got to Derby! The train door wouldn't open and so he got stuck on the train and had to go to the next station (Chesterfield...about 1hr return from Derby!) and then come back! Poor guy, he was pretty pissed!
The weekend was nice, My great uncle died a week earlier and I was already there for the funeral, which was pretty sad, although someone's phone rang during the service and I could see Rowley being a grumpy old man (then having a good old giggle about it!!) but, back on track, the weekend was nice, not much happened until we got delayed at birmingham train station for over an hour on sunday coming home, which in turn caused us to miss the Aussie/Brazil soccer match. Do you think I can sue on grounds of patriotic rights?
So we are now back in Oxford and I have had two job interviews in the last week, and applied for a dream job at Oxford Uni Press and am stuck in waiting mode. Hopefully this will entertain me for a while!
Will update on job progress, when there is progress!!