Quick Update
Hello, This is just a little thingy to let people know what we're doing rather than sending out long and dull and tedious group emails which no-one reads anyway! Enjoy!!
These were these awesome huge see saws that we played on for ages!
Hello everyone, its been a while since we updated the spot, but here goes nothing. Now have in our proud possession TWO items of co-owned whiteware:- a schmick washer/dryer (very flash) and a VW Polo which you will see pictures of at the bottom of this post! Tested it out over the weekend with a solid drive up to Tara's new place of work. After negotiating the multiple roundabouts that seem to feature extremely prominently in the British road system (and taking a few wrong turns...) we made it! Frankley, Birmingham! Not the most stunning place on the universe but the actual waterworks where she is based looks very new, secure and imposing, like a Spectre hideout from one of the earlier James Bond films. I'm sure, however, that it will be very welcoming to a young Antipodean lass. Also buzzed up to Derby, got lost on the way, made it to Mickleover in the wrong type of record time and spent a nice night at Jane and Ken's place before heading back down to Oxford today. Nice induction for the little beast. Other things (dot form)